Jake Acting/Print Bio

Jake, 10 years old


Jake is a natural speaker and actor, SF based. He started to improv for camera to demo his reading at age 3. At age 6, he started two youtube channels, one on math/coding (Click Here)
and one
 on game reviews/fun facts (Click Here).

He loves explaining things, talking to people, super good at improvising moves and stories, enjoying camera appearance. His acting carries a sincere and enthusiastic flare due to his fun loving nature. Great memorization. 

A family comedy drama based on Jake proposal: Click Here

Commercial Roles



Movie Roles

Hosting Roles

Improv game talk on Mario Odyssey: 

Jake memorizing long sequence number:

Improv: describing a math game: 

Improv: Review a new home blender: 

Improv: describe a hoverboard: 

Dance hiphop: 

Math Tutorial Improv

Height: 4'11"
Weight: 75 pounds
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Age: 10

State of California Entertainment Work Permit (Valid through 12/06/2024)

All inquiries, contact Management
Margaret Guiraud
Talent Manager
1901 Avenue of the Stars, Ste #200
Century City, CA, 90067
CPS Licensed
Main Office: 310-461-1486
Direct Line: 310-760-1082

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